ANIMAL WELFARE OF IERAPETRA “Animal Welfare Association of Ierapetra” – Ierapetra, Crete

ANIMAL WELFARE OF IERAPETRA “Animal Welfare Association of Ierapetra” – Ierapetra, Crete

The Animal Welfare Association of Ierapetra is a non-profit association, charitable and not subsidized by the Greek state or the EU and relies on the subscriptions of its members, donations, sponsorships and events for the achievement of its goals.

The main purpose is the development of zoophilia, the protection, care, care and monitoring of animal protection.

In detail, its purpose is:

  • The development of zoophilia and in particular the protection, care, care and monitoring of compliance with animal protection legislation.
  • Cooperation with the competent authorities to enlighten the public on the prevention and control of animal diseases.
  • The collection of stray or dangerous animals, with a view to their adoption-disposal, to responsible owners inside and outside the Greek territory.
  • The enlightenment of the public through lectures-speeches, publications or film screenings, especially in schools for the development of zoophilia.
  • The protection of fauna and flora in general in relation to the conservation of the natural environment.
  • The protection and care of wildlife species.

Emergency Phone Numbers

Ierapetra Animal Welfare Association: +30 6944 848762 / +30 28420 27512 / ierapetrafilozoiki@gmail.com
Telephone of the Animal Welfare Association (Adoptions): +30 6947 910763
Ast. Telephone Department of Ierapetra: +30 2842 090160